Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Raised lettering under Columbia Grafonola A2670

My Columbia Grafonola A2670 has Hugh Donovan singing "The rose of no man's land" (Mx 78148) on one side with "75c" in raised letters under the paper label. The label, however, states "Price in U.S. 85c. Price in Canada 90c".

Hmmm. Well, we'll set that issue aside.

My question is what are the numbers on the reverse side. Henry Burr sings "Over yonder where the lilies grow" (Mx 78152), and in a combination of stamped and raised letters underneath the label, it says "4 (space, space, space, space) - 661" I think the last numeral is a "1", but it's hard to tell because it looks like someone changed their mind before correcting the number to be a "1".

The "4" is barely visible at the very beginning of the catalogue number, A2670.
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